Desert SunA new digital image available in my Society6 store located under Home Decor & Gifts in my site Menu.

Persistence: Is it a Virtue or Merely a Mad Delusion?

Aesop insisted the tortoise’s dogged persistence would triumph over Jack Rabbit starts.  Coincidentally, I have much in common with Mr. Tortoise:  I am homebound (“Thanks, COVID.”), I have no fast-twitch muscles of which I am aware, and optimism (or perhaps faith in effort) lures us forward each step of the way.  A pinch more self-confidence might help- indeed, there are those who get by with not much else!  But I do believe that persistence pays a reasonable return.  in other words, provided I maintain reasonable goals and expectations, nothing but myself stands in my way.

Wrapping both fists tightly around that guiding belief, I set about to re-create a new website for myself.  I began around Christmas time and by February 1, I had a website I liked- at least on my desktop computer.  A few issues remain on smaller devices and I am mentally steeling my resolve to correct those in the coming week.

While squeezing the living daylights out of my belief in persistence, I placed an order for some succulent seeds.  I had become enamored with a strange succulent someone posted in social media and after searching for it on the WORLDwide (emphasis on the word “world”) web, I located seeds.  Yes, SEEDS!  I was suffering from the audacious belief that I could grow a rare succulent from the ground up- literally!  The website appeared professional and gave me no reason to doubt that I had just purchased seeds from a vendor in New York.  However, 2 weeks later I received an email informing me that my package had just left China.  The packages’s arrival strengthened my suspicions.  Apparently I ordered a fifth packet of seed- not a succulent, by the way.  So, 1000 tiny “seeds” had arrived from China.  I have about 8 seedlings to show for it-  ALL from the fifth packet of seeds!

Nearly 6 weeks later, I swallowed my pride and purchased cuttings from a woman in Washington state.  I hope to chronicle the growth of four cacti- green thumbs crossed!

In the Studio

Check out the “Pirate Boston terrier” in my watercolor gallery.  My sister’s Boston Terrier, Maggie, lost her eye in late December in a freak accident.  I painted her as a pirate and gifted it to my lil’ sis for her birthday.

I have returned to the realm of digital art.  As I continue to gain mastery of Illustrator, I developed a customizable print using my Mimosa motif I created this summer.  I saw customized nursery art while surfing the web one night and loved the idea! I am working on a rocket theme customizable print as well. What do you think of them? (Check them out in my shop and in my Salt & Soul market.)  I am also excited about Desert Sun– a bold graphic art print available in my Society6 shop on a variety of products.

And although I am spending more time in front of the screen, I still paint regularly.  I am currently working on a watercolor image of an opossum surrounded by foliage and sweet flowers.  I like to imagine this hanging in a nursery, boy’s or girl’s!  I am giving you a sneak peak in this post. 



And last- but certainly not least!  I have embarked on #The100DaysProject.  This project challenges creatives to hone in on one thing for 100 days.  Some may take the extreme approach and only draw noses for 100 days.  Others may adopt a looser approach and simply commit to sketching every day for 100 days.  I have settled in the middle of this continuum and am getting to visually know flowers and plants better.  My goal is to expand my mental library of plants so I don’t rely on references quite so much.  I have included my sketch of Cosmos, with and without color.

Help me name my opossum!

Leave your suggestions in the comment box.

See you next time,


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