This blog post has been difficult to write.  I have started over more times than I can recall.  Some months it seems to write itself.  Other months I search a little harder for the precise words, the kernel of meaning, or just the right tone.  After numerous failed attempts this month, I ‘m simply going to say what’s on my mind and in my heart and move on with the faith that next month’s letter will come more naturally.

I published a post on Easter weekend with no inkling that life in our household was about to experience a small tectonic shift.  The Saturday of Easter weekend, Django died, joing Carter who passed over the rainbow bridge in January 2022.  Carter had been ill and frail for awhile.  Django, on the other hand, was a 15 year old puppy most days.  His sudden illness and passing has left us in a state of quiet but noticeable bereavement.  For the first time in 26 years there is no dog curled with us on the sofa, no wagging tail and happy bark to greet us at the door.  There is no longer the need to “watch our step” in the backyard or rubberband the pantry door shut- yet we still do those things.

But grief is part of love and itnegral to this cycle of energy that cradles us all.  And so I have leaned into the ache knowing that time pauses for no one.

On a more positive note, Cohlmia’s Springfest was a jungle of fun!  Thank you to all who stopped by to say “hello!” and congratulations to Cali who won a free mini print.  I am excited to welcome new faces to this newsletter/blog.  Please excuse the somber tone this month.  It’s definitely an outlier.  


In the Studio

This quick watercolor portrait of Django resides in my watercolor sketchbook. The portrait of Carter on the right is also in a sketchbook dating back a few years.  They are not polished and their flaws are apparent.  In the case of Django’s, it was my attempt to face the reality of his absence through art without judgement or performance pressure.

Last month I dedicated my studio time to preparing for Carney Fest and Cohlmia’s.  For the next couple months I am looking forward to spending time learning, experimenting, and playing with the ideas percolating in my head.  I have more ideas than time!  After a brief period of personal painting, I will begin creating original watercolors to stock in my shop.  Even now I  am playing with different presentation techniques.  The sparrow and stylized flower composition pictured at the top of this post is nearing completion.  Once I am finished painting, I will seal it with a UV protectant spray, affix it to a wooden gallery board, and coat it with wax buffed to a soft sheen.  It will then go to Hummingbird Fine Craft to look for a permanent home.  My newsletter readers will be the first to know!  

What I’m Reading

The Office of Historical Corrections by Danielle Evans

Food for Life by Phil Spector


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