If you give a mouse a cookie, …

If you give a moose a muffin, …

If you give a pig a pancake, …

If you give Felicia Numeroff a key to my home, …

Wait!  Did you?

You may not know Felicia Numeroff’s name, but if you’ve raised children after the year 2000 you know her books, maybe by heart.  These books were favorites at my house before the frantic days of scout meetings, PTA events, soccer games, and driving lessons.

These books resurfaced last week, but not with cute illustrations and cuddles on the couch.  They flashed in my mind with a blinding clarity when I realized I was living in a Felicia Numeroff story!  No mice, or moose, or pigs- just me trying to make ONE phone call.

And when I pondered the long list of activities that preceded that one simple phone call

                        Potty the Dog – Put pants on the (old) dog – Potty ME – Fetch toilet paper – Deliver toilet paper – Take laundry                            from dryer – Fold said laundry before it wrinkles – ….

I heard myself sigh aloud in resignation, because this story repeats itself daily with variations only in the details.  This story is how I flooded the laundry room, not once, but twice.  How I often burn toast under the broiler.  Why I find cold cups of coffee in the microwave.

My children will tell me its (undiagnosed) ADHD.  Perhaps.  Or perhaps I am the unwitting victim in a children’s storybook.  How do you think I will be illustrated?  Perhaps a bunny or a squirrel?  Either way, I’m feeling a bit peckish, so I’m off to find a cookie and a glass of milk!

In the Studio

I’m ushering in the new year with a series of small paintings.  The plan is to theme them each month.  We’ll see if I stick with it.  (After all, I do get derailed so easily!)  This month-  hummingbirds!  The paintings will be offered for sale as originals only.

By focusing on a single subject, I am giving myself permission to really explore styles and tools.  I can’t wait to see the whole collection at the end of January! 

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