New year- new beginnings.  That has been the theme tumbling inside my mind for weeks.  I have much to say on the matter- but the narrative changed this morning.  This morning the inevitable happened- the moment I have been dreading arrived.  Today my husband, daughter, son, and Django gathered around Carter to bid our farewells.


I have been steeling myself for this day for the past year as I have watched Carter slip away-  another hapless victim to old age.  Arthritis, dementia, loss of vision, deafness.  But before the bandits of time robbed him of his senses and abilities, he was the kindest, happiest dog I have ever known.  When he was 6 or 7 he tore his Achilles tendon in two.  I took him to Oklahoma City to have it surgically repaired.  The surgery included external fixatures and hardware.  Twice a day I cleaned the points of entry where the stainless screws attached the rod to the bone.  Twice a week I drove him to OKC for doctor’s visits.  And for 8 weeks he was confined to a crate.  His tail NEVER quit wagging.  The surgeon couldn’t believe how cooperative and joyful Carter remained.  He healed well and quickly resumed running and jumping.  


I spent the day leaning on busyness to keep me moving forward.  This will be the way of things for awhile.  Carter was an integral member of our household for 16 years.  I will miss snuggling with him on the sofa while watching television.  Studio time without him curled nearby will feel strangely lonely.


So, while the new year is filled with exciting promise, it has begun with the pain of losing a constant companion.  We had his body cremated and now I must decide what we will engrave on his box.  I think it will simply be “Happy Tail, Gentle Soul”.  Rest in peace my friend.  

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