Free Range Memories on a Pandemically Modified Turkey-day

Free Range Memories on a Pandemically Modified Turkey-day

For many, the holidays consist of a series of days marked by frenetic busy-ness and large doses of overstimulation.  The long lists of gifts to buy, food to cook, rooms to clean and decorations to set out effectually become blinders, narrowing our vision to the...

Stuck between Seasons: Painting with Pollen

Stuck between Seasons: Painting with Pollen

The trees offer bare branches up to the skies and the sun has shortened her stay each day. And although I awake in the dark and put dinner on the table in the dark- my garden has not not entirely given up. In fact, I still have mandevillas blooming on the back patio-...

Inktober2020  Final Week:  Putting the lid on it!

Inktober2020 Final Week: Putting the lid on it!

Inktober wrapped up as we slid into a tumultuous election- and a time change! My body and my buddies, Carter and Django, are still confused. Early mornings are now earlier- and while I enjoy the quiet of the still dark house it catches up to me quickly in the day. I...

Inktober Week 2:  Lessons from the Inky Page

Inktober Week 2: Lessons from the Inky Page

I can't believe the second week of "Inktober" is already behind me! The second week has found me staying up later most nights, because I can't seem to get up before the sun. I am beginning to give myself permission to be a little behind and to use two prompts for one...

Inktober Week One:  How the Sandwich Saved my Art

Inktober Week One: How the Sandwich Saved my Art

candy skull pattern by Sparrowshine Designs “Best thing since sliced bread!”-  or in my case, cold cuts!  Why do I overlook the humble cold cut sandwich for dinner?  No stove, no oven, no dishes, no worries!  And that means more time to make...

Inktober- A Study in Ink and Sleep Deprivation

Inktober- A Study in Ink and Sleep Deprivation

The puddle glistened, spilling forth quickly at first, tumbling over itself to find the edge, then slowly its advancement slowed to a mere creep- fiber by fiber extending its territory with feathered fingers. No, not a crime scene, an ink scene. And when I look up...

Appreciating Shadows

Appreciating Shadows

Moth Trellis- An original pattern design in progress which nods to fall and Halloween. A spot of black, a darkly shadowed fringe lurking at the edge, an irregular recess in the luminous folds, these are the unsung marks that take a visual image from good to...

Tale of the Traveling Tastebuds: A Homebody’s Reflection

Tale of the Traveling Tastebuds: A Homebody’s Reflection

The soles of my feet may never gather dust of exotic lands, but my tastebuds yearn for knowledge of the world. The heavy scents, the novel spices, the untried combinations which have sustained cultures for centuries- and longer. Knowing my passion for food and my...

Changes at the Hive:                A Mother’s Brief Reflection

Changes at the Hive: A Mother’s Brief Reflection

This print and other items with this pattern can be purchased through Society6. You can access Society6 through my main menu. When you visit the shop, please Follow. It helps artists like me be seen. I just moved my first born to college last week.  It’s an...

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