Carter – Happy Tail, Gentle Soul

Carter – Happy Tail, Gentle Soul

New year- new beginnings.  That has been the theme tumbling inside my mind for weeks.  I have much to say on the matter- but the narrative changed this morning.  This morning the inevitable happened- the moment I have been dreading arrived.  Today my husband,...

Avocado Green is not for Appliances

Avocado Green is not for Appliances

Do you have a favorite color?  I confess, I do not.  In fact, I am hard-pressed to find a color that I dislike, but that hasn't always been the case. In the folly of my youth, I would have quickly denounced yellow and orange as gaudy colors- obnoxious and...

Merge Now, A Brief Summer Travelogue

Merge Now, A Brief Summer Travelogue

I exited the internet superhighway this summer and traveled the skyways and highways, recharging my connections to friends and family. My travels began with a week in Burbank, CA to visit a childhood friend.  We met in 7th grade when my family moved to Sugarland, TX. ...



While cleaning my studio space, I noticed my small stack of sketchbooks had begun to rise.  Spine by spine, the modest structure grew to a height I hadn’t anticipated.  I knew I had a few abandoned sketchbooks, but I hadn’t realized just how many I had accumulated. ...

Chaos in the Studio, but the Ghosts Don’t Mind

Chaos in the Studio, but the Ghosts Don’t Mind

I needed to create, to leave behind the rain, the dark clouds, the dark thoughts.  But when I climbed the stairs to my neglected corner of the universe my spark fizzled in a storm of clutter, disorganization, and sheer chaos. The spacious room lay buried under piles...

Dead Seeds Don’t Grow

Dead Seeds Don’t Grow

“Failure is not an option.”  Who the hell said this?  Who uttered these words only to have them etched into our psyches?  I find myself ashamed when my project fails- or provides less than stellar results.  Like a child who has broken something, I shove the evidence...



Desert Sun- A new digital image available in my Society6 store located under Home Decor & Gifts in my site Menu.Persistence: Is it a Virtue or Merely a Mad Delusion?Aesop insisted the tortoise’s dogged persistence would triumph over Jack Rabbit starts. ...

Free Range Memories on a Pandemically Modified Turkey-day

Free Range Memories on a Pandemically Modified Turkey-day

For many, the holidays consist of a series of days marked by frenetic busy-ness and large doses of overstimulation.  The long lists of gifts to buy, food to cook, rooms to clean and decorations to set out effectually become blinders, narrowing our vision to the...

Stuck between Seasons: Painting with Pollen

Stuck between Seasons: Painting with Pollen

The trees offer bare branches up to the skies and the sun has shortened her stay each day. And although I awake in the dark and put dinner on the table in the dark- my garden has not not entirely given up. In fact, I still have mandevillas blooming on the back patio-...

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