Personal Rituals Calm My Carney Mind

Personal Rituals Calm My Carney Mind

Life swings crazily from “I’ve got this!” to “I’ve lost it!”  Or, is it just me? I was crushing it in January and February!  I believed I could manifest my own destiny through hard work, persistence, good habits and good karma.  But March trounced me!  All those rosy-...

Manifesting Change in 2023

Manifesting Change in 2023

January just HUMMED by!!! I am amped up about the potential inherent in a new year.  I’ve said it before- there is nothing special about January.  Really, it’s just another day and another month and another opportunity to try again.  Life should be about the Mulligan!...

If You Give a Squirrel a Call…

If You Give a Squirrel a Call…

If you give a mouse a cookie, … If you give a moose a muffin, … If you give a pig a pancake, … If you give Felicia Numeroff a key to my home, … Wait!  Did you? You may not know Felicia Numeroff’s name, but if you’ve raised children after the year 2000 you know her...

Food IS the Destination!

Food IS the Destination!

Hadley’s Date Shake, it was on our list of destination foods.  Some people travel to destination cities or resorts- but Christine and I were traveling to food.  In the 9 days I spent with Christine traveling from California, through Arizona, New Mexico, and Southern...

Neon Zeppelins and Parchment Sculpture:  Connecting the Dots

Neon Zeppelins and Parchment Sculpture: Connecting the Dots

It begins with a single squeaky note, like a neglected gate hinge, but then it undulates moving up and down on the heavy motionless air, an ancient song declaring the sacredness of summer.  Summer temperatures arrived weeks ago, but it is the recital of this ancient...

Busy Bees Building Bookmarks!

Busy Bees Building Bookmarks!

Did you get your bookmark?  Have you used it?  If the answer to that question is, “No, silly!  You promised to tell me how to get it off the screen!” then I apologize profusely for dragging my feet!  But today I am here and ready to help you make your first bookmark. ...

A Singing House Whistles While I Work

A Singing House Whistles While I Work

April blew in with such ferocity this year!  My doorways have been moaning for weeks on end- a slightly eery sound that I have begun to liken to Moaning Myrtle.  If you have never heard your house “sing” before, I will explain.  The wind comes through the gaps with...

Let’s Plant: A Spring Haul and What’s Hopping!

Let’s Plant: A Spring Haul and What’s Hopping!

The postal carrier delivered JOY in an envelope today-  actually over 2 DOZEN little envelopes!! Hooray for Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds! Each winter I pore through the catalog and select seeds for the garden.  I try to be frugal and reuse seeds from year to year, but...

Digging into 2022;  Reflections on the New Year Revolution

Digging into 2022; Reflections on the New Year Revolution

January 1st signifies new beginnings, a fresh new calendar and the promise of a better self and a better tomorrow.  Well-oiled gears of capitalism quickly speed up, cranking out magic machines and elixirs to give us the bodies we admire in the media.  Gurus across all...

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