Reflections of a Serial Hobbyist

Reflections of a Serial Hobbyist

Every parent has heard the dreaded whine of a child, “I'm bored.”  I’m certain I was guilty of such a complaint in my early years.   But in all truth, I don't remember  being bored as a child. I had siblings to play with and a neighborhood full of my peers.  Like the...

Falling Down a Rabbit Hole

Falling Down a Rabbit Hole

It’s purely coincidental that it’s the day we celebrate a magical rabbit who hops from house to house delivering baskets of sweets and toys and Grace Slick’s “White Rabbit” is the soundtrack in my head, which feels as though hundreds of fluffy cottontails have crammed in for the holiday weekend.

But it is no secret that rabbits frequently appear in my art! Without thinking too much about it, they have appeared countless times.

Watching Watercolor Dry – An ASMR Activity

Watching Watercolor Dry – An ASMR Activity

By embracing the overlooked word “leap,” the author expresses a renewed zest for life, anticipating the spirited emergence of spring as they emerge from winter’s gloom. An upcoming local market appearance at Wildflower Cafe Art Market is announced, and the post showcases recent artwork reflecting the brightness of the season.

Chasing the Momentum in Fall

Chasing the Momentum in Fall

While the temperatures begin to drop in fall, the calendar seems to heat up!  Accordingly, I have been busy, busy, busy in the studio!  Momentum is a WONDERFUL ally.  I have several completed projects under my belt since we last visited and several more in the works. ...

An Artist-Gardener’s Ode to Compost

An Artist-Gardener’s Ode to Compost

At the beginning of June, the green Fennel loomed large in the garden.  It towered over me proffering lacy yellow blooms to all those flighted-passerby’s.  But at the base of this skyscraper of an herb there was NOTHING.  No bulb.  And the fronds supported no...

and a Prairie Chicken in a Holly Wreath!

and a Prairie Chicken in a Holly Wreath!

An Attwater Prairie chick.  The feather dusters give them a place to snuggle and to hide.Thanksgiving may be behind me, but my gratitude for you still looms large.  As 2023 begins its frantic culminating days, I can’t help but to look back and be amazed at the many...

Heads Up!  Incoming holidays!

Heads Up! Incoming holidays!

November marks the start of the holiday season.  Before the Halloween candy has been devoured, the stores are already pumping Christmas music in the store, erecting plastic trees, and stocking the shelves.    Are you ready? I'm getting there. I have been working on my...

Falling into the coming season

Falling into the coming season

It’s happened- the weather has changed.  Mornings are dark and quiet.  The hummingbirds and butterflies have left and the morning orchestra has hushed for the oncoming season.  I sat with my coffee this morning in my favorite viewing spot and looked out at the empty...

Visions of Ladybugs Dance in my Head

Visions of Ladybugs Dance in my Head

The blue-gray sky is lightening by imperceptible degrees outside my window.  With the stifling humidity, the glass pane provides a hazy viewpoint onto the waking world.  I’m curled up in my new favorite spot in the house- a sofa with a view of the jungle and my bird...

Painting through Grief – A Sparrow Emerges!

Painting through Grief – A Sparrow Emerges!

This blog post has been difficult to write.  I have started over more times than I can recall.  Some months it seems to write itself.  Other months I search a little harder for the precise words, the kernel of meaning, or just the right tone.  After numerous failed...

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