The sun shines through Bradford Pear trees in Tulsa.

The day has arrived! The day I open my digital window and begin my song- the clatter of keys, the soft scratch of the pen nib against paper, the muffled splash of paint brushes stirring color clouds in water. I knew this day was coming; I have been preparing for it. I just did not foresee the abrupt cessation of public busy-ness that ushered in this day.

Our new reality, each day pregnant with the promise of something dreadful also bears the gift of time: time for family, time for reflection, time to indulge in self-investment. And I am grateful. I do not know how long this golden sunrise-magic will last, so I seize the beauty of inspiration and the love of family with both fists and sing my heart out.

Welcome to Sparrowshine blog- the beginning of a brave new day!

This is an evolution-of-self exposed. As I dabble in line and color, I will share my inspirations and my processes. Ultimately, my hope is that my admiration of the beauty found in the most common of places and creatures will illuminate your soul and lighten your heart as it does mine. If it does, please share with someone.

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